

Member of the SARL


Repeaters at Waterkloof Water Tower

BHF/UHF Contest “Die Berg”


ZS6CEN HF Field day at Rock Falls Ranch 20 Feb 2012

Centurion Club Open Day 14 Sep 2013


Centurion Radio Amateur Club Bulletin 13th October 2020.

 GOOD EVENING everyone and welcome. It is 19:00 on Tuesday 13th October 2020. You are listening to ZS6CEN the official station of the Centurion Radio Amateur Club. Welcome, and many thanks for reporting in.  A bulletin of news and information is normally broadcast every Tuesday evening at 19:00 on our Centurion 2-meter repeater, which is situated at our Rooihuiskraal site, on a frequency of 145,775 MHz with a regular simultaneous broadcast on our Centurion 70 centimeter repeater, which is situated at our Keevykop site, on a frequency of 439,050 MHz. Your bulletin this evening is coming from the shack of ANDRE ZR6AGA.

 Unfortunately Johan ZS6CAQ had a huge power fail in their area with a backactor ripping out a huge power cable. I will be handling any further reports after the bulletin on 2 meters. Many thanks to you Johan who was prepared to assist. You can also access our club and its members on our Face Book page, Centurion Radio Amateur Club, as well as our web site, namely If you have anything of interest, which is radio related, and would be of interest to our members, please add it to our page.  The bulletin this evening has been compiled and is being read by ANDRE ZR6AGA.

(Silent Key)

In our bulletin, today we have: · Club information · Important Dates · Other items from the SARL.



Subs for 2020/2021 was due end of June 2020.  Please use your call sign as banking reference. Thanks to those that have paid since the last reminder.

WhattsApp group Our group is active and works well! If you want to join this group please contact the committee to have you added to the group.

Info on SARL:

New and current members are requested to update their personel information that the SARL have on their database. This include SARL and non-SARL members and can be done by sending an email to the SARL. This information is for local and international use and is currently not really up to date. If your callsign is not shown then it seems as if your licence is not valid as ICASA data is used as well.

Congratulations :

Birthdays and Anniversaries:

There are no birthdays or anniversary’s this week. Please contact Ken ZS6KN so that your Birthday and/or Anniversary is registered at the CRAC.

Previous birthday missed was Michelle ZS6MJ on the 10th . Congratulations Michelle, hopefully you had a great day.


20 October 2020

 The Tuesday evening chat on our 145,775 MHz repeater after the Bulletin.  Please join us on our 145,775 MHz repeater from 19:00 onwards ever Tuesday for our bulletin and Tuesday Evening Chat. Let’s use this opportunity to be able to discuss radio ham associated information as well as discussing new ideas related to our hobby.

Clubhouse Work Session

With the power problem on Johan’s side, we will get feedback later.

Thanks Johan for the feedback. And thanks to all the helpers for the work done…..


Guidelines for a non SARL member to use the SA-QSL system- Phone Kelley at NARC (011 675 2393) and check that your correct information is on the database – license number and e-mail address are important.

Click on SA-QSL system link (on the left-hand side of the web page) and then click on “Need to Register”. Follow the instructions on the screen. Your username and password will be e-mailed to you which you can use to logon in future.

SARL and not yet SARL Members are requested to check their Electronic QSLs on a regular basis.

Report interference and unauthorized use of amateur frequencies: – If your transmission or repeater is interfered with by an unlicensed person (s), note as much detail as possible and report the case for investigation to the ICASA regional office in your area. By policing the amateur bands and reporting transgressions by non-licensed persons we protect the future of the amateur radio spectrum. Send a copy of your email to to allow the SARL to monitor how widespread the problem is.


HAMNET REPORT 11TH OCTOBER 2020 – quick summary

This is part of the report of Dave Reece ZS1DFR reporting for HAMNET in South Africa.

Greg Mossop, G0DUB, has reported on the IARU Region One virtual meeting held 2 weeks ago. He notes that 17 countries were represented amongst the attendees. Attention was given to possible applications for space at 40 and 60 MHz for emergency communications. Data modes are being explored, especially JS8Call, FSQ, ARDOP and GARIM on HF, and New Packet Radio using higher speed data modes. IARU Region One is very diverse, with large organizations of up to 1700 members in some countries, while others have 10 in their whole country. Hamnet in the Western Cape was invited to participate in a City of Cape Town Disaster Simulation Exercise again this year, yet again practising the management of a nuclear power station disaster at Koeberg. This took place on Thursday the 8th, and we had operators stationed at Koeberg power station, as well as at the Disaster Management Centre at Goodwood. Our mobile UHF repeater was installed on a high site in Green point, and was accessible from both operations centres, while the 145.750 repeater on Kanonkop in Tygerberg was also used. Useful experience was gained, and valuable input from our operators provided to the City.

Four CW Contacts per Day Certificates

Just a reminder…..The ZS-CW group have started a new initiative to get more people active on CW on all bands, this will get you a certificate at the end of the year. Make four CW contacts per day and qualify for the following certificates: 200 to 250 days – Bronze certificate, 250 to 300 days – Silver Certificate and 300 plus days – Gold Certificate. Send proof of your contacts by Excel log submission to Mike, ZS6MSW ( or Andy, ZS6ADY (

Other CW news…Mike ZS6MSW reported on Facebook that so far 27 Hams consider themselves very regular ops, within our country. He is doing this Census to determine the positive, and if any decline of CW, so we know where to focus our efforts, to get up to speed with the rest of Europe and the USA. They are currently holding CW classes on the ZS6TJ repeater 145.650 88.5 tone, every Monday 7pm SAST and hosted and Tuesdays are hosted by Steve ZS6XU on a  less formal basis. Two operators wanted to know if they qualify to be on the CW data base, as PC CW driven ops, and sorry the answer is no. You must be physically using a key, and be fairly regular. You can email Mike  @

For the Sattelite enthusiasts….. Reminder! On September 1, 2020, an FM transponder was installed on the International Space Station in the Columbus module. The transponder consists of a modified JVC Kenwood D710GA. On September 2 at 01:02 UTC the system was activated. Frequencies: UPLINK: 145.990 MHz Tone: CTCSS 67 Hz, DOWNLINK: 437.800 MHz. I had feedback that it is working but qso’s are short as if the squelch seems to be a bit high.

(SARL/AMSAT SA VHF workshop –) 

From Facebook

For those of you on FaceBook Here is some interesting pages you might find usefull:

Centurion Radio Amateur Club

ZONE 38 Amateur Radio Chat

ZS1K Amateur Radio Friends

And this week have a look at:

ZS6TJ Johannesburg Amateur Radio Hub

Ham Radio Swop – Gauteng

RaDAR – South Africa

Si47XX for Radio Experimenters

On the HF side….

I made some  local SSB contacts and some FT8 contacts using maximum 90 watt to various DX countries like Indonisia, Japan, USA, Spain, Ukraine, Philippines, Brazil and also with the Japanese Antarctica Research Expedition 8J1RL, on East Ongle Island, Antarctica with S9++ signals.

Now the finals….

I’m not sure who will be doing next weeks bulletin.

Please contact the committee with news and information for the next bulletin. It is important that we all share Radio Ham associated information amongst us. Well folks, that’s all for today. If you have anything you would like to add to this bulletin, please go ahead now: …………

Thanks for listening and reporting in. Have a good week and take care. Till next time, this is ZR6AGA on behalf of ZS6CEN and will be standing by if there are more stations that wants to report in……….

Thanks, that is all ,ZR6AGA  is now signing off and leaving the frequency available for general use. 73.


BULLETIN 3rd – March 2020

BULLETIN 25th February 2020